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Need FREE Replacements?

Replace UV Components, Remotes and Wheels here!

Replace Your Remote Here

Everyone loses remotes. We get it!. With the UniqueHeat® Decade of Care®Guarantee, you are covered for an entire decade!. That means if you need to replace your UniqueHeat®Heating System remote or you would just like to have a spare remote, we have y

Replace Your UV Light Here

With the UniqueHeat® Decade of Care™ Guarantee, you are covered for an entire decade!. That means whenever you need to replace your UV Component on your UniqueHeat® heating system we have you covered!. A $99.00 Value, Yours FREE!. Thank You for being

Replace Your Wheels Here

A Decade is a long time. If you're putting miles on your UniqueHeat® rolling it from room to room we got you covered!. Think of this as roadside assistance for your Heating System. Due to variations in wheel height, it is recommended that you replace